Jami Holbein Swanson, Ed.D.

Assistant Professor

Office: COE B185   |    Phone: (308) 865-8971   |    Email: swansonjl3@lixubing.com

Jami Holbein Swanson, Ed.D.


Jami Holbein Swanson, Assistant Professor in Teacher Education, joined the faculty in 2024. Dr Swanson teaches graduate and undergraduate students online and face to face classes in the Transitional Certification Program and English as a Second Language course sequence. She earned her doctorate as a cohort member of the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her service includes Future Educators of Color Student Organization Advisor, American Democracy Project Committee Member, and bet36365体育 Education Association Executive Board Member for Membership. Her research interests include teacher and leader preparation, recruitment and retention.

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